Acquaviva Picena

Acquaviva Picena is a village situated on the ridges piceni a short distance from the Adriatic coast and the magnificent views of the Apennines enjoying an incomparable among the many shades of the surrounding landscape . Visiting Acquaviva Picena you are immersed in a magical medieval atmosphere , walking through the streets of downtown seem to perceive sounds and vitality of the story that he lived , it is an experience of the past with its imposing fortress that seems to protect the value of a whole people … From elevation mid- hills of the town ( 359 m above sea level) you can see , in the days of good weather , as well as the highest peak of the Sibillini ( Mount Carrier ) , even the most distant Abruzzi mountains ( Gran Sasso , Majella ) .

A picturesque town built in the Middle Ages , which stands on a hill giving visitors an enchanting view that sweeps from the Sibillini Mountains up to the Abruzzi mountains and sea coast . Acquaviva preserving a wealth of important and specific rural craft tradition in the processing of straw, famous throughout the region . The ” pagliarole ” ( baskets , vases and various household objects made ​​entirely of straw) represent an ancient craft , that of the ” basket weavers ” , handed down from generation to generation with passion, dedication and attention to detail and finishing.
